Datxplore for Linux 32 bits 


  • install sharutils : uudecode is required to uncompress the package;
  • make sure you have gcc/g++/make installed or install them.

About the installer
run the following command

sh packageName.bin

you can specify the target installation directory by giving the path as argument. A directory containing Datxplore will be created in the directory installation path.

This software do not require an activation key.

To run Datxplore, open a file browser, then browse the Datxplore folder and go to the bin directory. Click on the datXPloreRun.sh executable.


Version User guide
1.0.1 User Guide

Mlxplore for Linux 32 bits  


  • install sharutils : uudecode is required to uncompress the package;
  • make sure you have gcc/g++/make installed or install them.

About the installer
run the following command

sh packageName.bin

you can specify the target installation directory by giving the path as argument. A directory containing Mlxplore will be created in the directory installation path.

This software requires an activation key: please go to the download page if you do not have your license key yet. The license activation procedure can be seen on the download page at the license activation section.

To run Mlxplore, open a file browser, then browse the Mlxplore folder and go to the bin directory. Click on the mlxPloreRun.sh executable.


Version User guides
1.1.1 Mlxplore user guideMlxtran guide for model construction

Monolix for Linux 32 bits   


  • install sharutils : uudecode is required to uncompress the Monolix package;
  • make sure you have gcc/g++/make installed or install them.

Matlab is not necessary to run this version of the software.
perl is required to run perlScripts and the validation suite; it is not required otherwise.

About the installer
run the following command

sh packageName.bin

you can specify the target installation directory by giving the path as argument. A directory containing Monolix will be created in the directory installation path.

This software requires an activation key: please go to the download page if you do not have your license key yet. The license activation procedure can be seen on the download page at the license activation section.

Matlab version:  start Matlab, go to directory ’<install path>/matlab’ and type monolix.
Standalone version: go to ’<install path>/bin’ and type ./Monolix.sh.


Version StandAlone From Matlab 2010bSP1 to Matlab 2014a From Matlab 2009a to Matlab 2010a Installation guide Full documentation RLM (for floating license)
4.3.2 432s 432-2010b 432-2010a InstallGuide-432 Doc-432 RLM for 432
4.3.1 431s 431-2010b 431-2010a InstallGuide-431 Doc-431 RLM for 431
4.3.0 430s 430-2010b 430-2010a InstallGuide-430 Doc-430 RLM for 430
4.2.2 422s 422-2010b 422-2010a InstallGuide-422 Doc-422 RLM for 422
4.2.1 421s 421-2010b 421-2010a InstallGuide-421 Doc-421 RLM for 421
4.2.0 420s 420-2010b 420-2010a InstallGuide-420 Doc-420 RLM for 420

 Simulator for Linux 32 bits

The simulator is a calculation engine. Therefore, it can not be used directly and has no interface. Thus, connectors were developed in R to use it. Therefore, R version should be 3.0.2 or higher, Rcpp version 0.11 or higher.

This software requires an activation key: please go to the download page if you do not have your license key yet. The license activation procedure can be seen on the download page at the license activation section.

For the calculation engine Simulx, the user should access it through R.


Version User guides
1.1.0 Mlxtran syntax for Simulx – Installation Guide
Jonathan CHAUVINDownload older versions / Lin 32