Operating system specifics

Windows specifics

No prerequisite. However, it will install a version Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 redistribuable (it was installing a version 2012 for MonolixSuite2016R1)

Linux specifics

Make sure you have gcc/g++/make installed or install them.The gcc version should be at least a 4.8 version.
Notice that there is a silent installer provided for Linux operating system.

Mac OS X 10.6 or higher specifics

– install and launch at least once Xcode, in order to being able to compile any C++ code  on your computer.
– install XQuartz (or X11 for osX < 10.7), close and restart your session at least once after the installation, in order to make the  system  recognize the path of X11.
These  operations must be done after any update or upgrade of your system.  XQuartz can be founded on Apple’s website, Xcode can be installed  using  App Store.app.


Notice that the software should be installed in a directory without any special character in the path.

Additional folder created by MonolixSuite

When launching an application of MonolixSuite, a folder lixoft will be created in the user folder, i.e.
– C:UsersUserNamelixoft for windows OS
– homeUserNamelixoft for Linux OS
Two elements need to be noticed. First, the user must have the full permission on the lixoft folder. Indeed, we use this folder to add temporary files and compile the models. Secondly, we recommend to have no special character in the UserName to ensure smooth operation.


At the end of the installation, during the initialization, the license activation process occurs. It will check if you already have a license.
If you have a valid license, you will be able to run the software as the license is independent of the software version.
If not, a window will pop up requesting an activation key, or a licence file. If you do not have it, just click on the cross to cancel it. Two things have to be noticed:


If you have any trouble during the installation, see here or send an email to support-at-lixoft.com if you still have issues.

Jonathan CHAUVINAbout the installer